《Oculus 最佳实践指南》中英文对照手册

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  Oculus的一些英文说明很多人还看不懂,为此,下面就给大家介绍下《Oculus 最佳实践指南》中英文翻译对照,一起来看看吧。

  Introduction to Best Practices
  VR is an immersive medium. It creates the sensation of being entirely transported into a virtual (or real, but digitally reproduced) three-dimensional world, and it can provide a far more visceral experience than screen-based media. Enabling the mind’s continual suspension of disbelief requires particular attention to detail. It can be compared to the difference between looking through a framed window into a room, versus walking through the door into the room and freely moving around.
  虚拟现实是一种身临其境的媒介。它创建了一个将用户瞬间移动到一个虚拟 (或真实存在的但经过重新数字化生成的) 的三维世界的感觉,它可以提供比基于屏幕的媒体的,更多的发自内心的体验。
  If VR experiences ignore fundamental best practices, they can lead to simulator sickness—a combination of symptoms clustered around eyestrain, disorientation, and nausea. Historically, many of these problems have been attributed to sub-optimal VR hardware variables, such as system latency. The Oculus Rift represents a new generation of VR devices, one that resolves many issues of earlier systems. But even with a flawless hardware implementation, improperly designed content can still lead to an uncomfortable experience.
  如果虚拟现实体验忽略基本的、原则性的最佳做法,它们会导致眩晕 — —一种包括了 眼部疲劳、定向障碍(即方向感迷失)、以及恶心等症状的组合。历史上,许多这类问题是由VR硬件因素次优化所引起的,如系统延迟。OculusRift代表了新一代的虚拟现实设备,它解决了许多早期系统中存在的问题(早期的100ms的延迟,到现在20ms以内的延迟)。但是即使有一个完美的硬件实现,设计不当内容仍然会导致不舒服的体验。
  Because VR has been a fairly esoteric and specialized discipline, there are still aspects of it that haven’t been studied enough for us to make authoritative statements. In these cases, we put forward informed theories and observations and indicate them as such. User testing is absolutely crucial for designing engaging, comfortable experiences; VR as a popular medium is still too young to have established conventions on which we can rely. Although our researchers have testing underway, there is only so much they can study at a time. We count on you, the community of Oculus Rift developers, to provide feedback and help us mature these evolving VR best practices and principles.
  因为虚拟现实已经成为一门相当深奥的专门学科,还有些方面仍然还没有被充分的研究,而足以让我们作权威性的发言。在这些情况下,我们提出富有见地的的理论和观测,并指出他们是这样的。想要设计引人入胜、舒适的体验,用户测试起到了至关重要的决定性作用;虚拟现实技术作为一种流行化的媒介仍然是太年轻,因此没有没有形成我们可以依赖的、系统化的成型的开发模式。虽然我们的研究人员不断地在进行测试,但是他们可以在一段时间能够研究的内容只有这么多。我们指望你们这些oculusRift开发者(社区)向我们提供反馈,帮助我们将这些不断进化的 VR 的最佳做法和原则变得成熟。
  Note: As with any medium, excessive use without breaks is not recommended developers, end-users, or the device.
  注意: 对于任何媒介来说,开发人员、 最终用户或设备都不推荐无休息的过度使用(即人和机器都难以承担长时间无休止的运行所带来的负担[请注意这里提到了“设备”,应该主要是指oculus头显设备,也可能涉及PC,毕竟不是服务器那样被设计为长时间开机运行的,适当的停机冷却应该是有好处的])。
  • Use the Oculus VR distortion shaders. Approximating your own distortion solution, even when it “looks about right,” is often discomforting for users.
  • Get the projection matrix exactly right and use of the default Oculus head model. Any deviation from the optical flow that accompanies real world head movement creates oculomotor issues and bodily discomfort.
  使用Oculus默认的头部模型(head Model)和并使得投影矩阵完全正确。任何对于现实世界头部运动所伴随着的光流的偏离,都会导致动眼神经问题以及身体不适。• Maintain VR immersion from start to finish—don’t affix an image in front of the user (such as a full-field splash screen that does not respond to head movements), as this can be disorienting.
  由始至终保持 VR 沉浸感— — 不要在用户前面加盖图像 (如不响应头部运动的全场闪屏),因为这可以让人丧失方向感。• The images presented to each eye should differ only in terms of viewpoint; post-processing effects (e.g., light distortion, bloom) must be applied to both eyes consistently as well as rendered in z-depth correctly to create a properly fused image.
  图像提交给每只眼睛只能够依据视口来产生不同的图像;诸如光畸变、雾化等后期处理效果  必须是始终如一地适用于两眼、并且在表示深度的z 轴上能够正确的渲染用以创建正确的融合后的图像。• Consider supersampling and/or anti-aliasing to remedy low apparent resolution, which will appear worst at the center of each eye’s screen.
  由于低分辨率在每只眼睛的屏幕中心会表现得最糟糕(严重得纱窗效应),考虑采用超采样或者抗锯齿技术来弥补。Minimizing Latency
  • Your code should run at a frame rate equal to or greater than the Rift display refresh rate, v-synced and unbuffered. Lag and dropped frames produce judder which is discomforting in VR.
  您的代码应该在开启了垂直同步以及关闭缓冲的前提下、能够保持运行时帧速率等于或大于Rift头盔显示屏刷新率。滞后和丢弃帧产生所产生的抖动,会导致用户在虚拟现实中感到不快。• Ideally, target 20ms or less motion-to-photon latency (measurable with the Rift’s built-in latency tester). Organise your code to minimize the time from sensor fusion (reading the Rift sensors) to rendering.
  理想情况下,将“动-光延迟(用Rift头盔内置的延迟测试仪可以可测量)”降低到20毫秒以下作为目标。修改代码以便缩短从传感器开始数据融合计算到渲染输出之间的时间,使之最小化。• Game loop latency is not a single constant and varies over time. The SDK uses some tricks (e.g., predictive tracking, TimeWarp) to shield the user from the effects of latency, but do everything you can to minimizevariability in latency across an experience.
  游戏循环延迟不是一个单一的常数并会随着时间的推移而异。SDK 使用一些技巧 (例如,预测跟踪,时空穿越) 来把用户与延迟之间进行屏蔽(即减小用户对于延迟的感受),但是你仍然需要尽你所能将延迟影响因子最小化来改善用户体验。• Use the SDK’s predictive tracking, making sure you feed in an accurate time parameter into the function call. The predictive tracking value varies based on application latency and must be tuned per application.
  使用 SDK 的预测跟踪,确保你将一个精确的时间参数送给函数调用。预测跟踪值取决于应用程序本身的延迟特性,因此必须根据每个应用程序单独调整。• Consult the OculusRoomTiny source code as an example for minimizing latency and applying proper rendering techniques in your code.
  参考OculusRoomTiny 源代码作为例子,尽量最小化延迟,并且在代码中应用适合的渲染技术。
  • Decrease eye-render buffer resolution to save video memory and increase frame rate.
  降低眼渲染缓冲分辨率来节省显存消耗,增加帧速率。• Although dropping display resolution can seem like a good method for improving performance, the resulting benefit comes primarily from its effect on eye-render buffer resolution. Dropping the eye-render buffer resolution while maintaining display resolution can improve performance with less of an effect on visual quality than doing both
  虽然降低显示分辨率可以看起来像一种改善性能的好方法,所带来的好处主要来自于其对眼渲染缓冲分辨率的影响。降低眼渲染缓冲分辨率同时保持显示分辨率比起“将两个参数同时降低”这种做法能够在较小的负面影响下改善的性能。• Head-tracking and Viewpoint
  • Avoid visuals that upset the user’s sense of stability in their environment. Rotating or moving the horizon line or other large components of the user’s environment in conflict with the user’s real-world self-motion (or lack thereof) can be discomforting.
  避免那些会打乱用户在其所处的虚拟环境中的稳定感的视觉效果。旋转或移动水平线或用户所处虚拟环境中的其他大型组件,进而导致用户在虚拟环境中的感受和现实中的自我运动姿态的感觉相矛盾,而引发用户的不适感。• The display should respond to the user’s movements at all times, without exception. Even in menus, when the game is paused, or during cutscenes, users should be able to look around.
  • Use the SDK’s position tracking and head model to ensure the virtual cameras rotate and move in a manner consistent with head and body movements; discrepancies are discomforting.
  使用 SDK 的位置跟踪和头部模型以确保虚拟摄像机旋转和移动能够符合头和身体的动作习惯;而这一点如果做的不够好就会让用户产生不适感。
  Positional Tracking
  • The rendered image must correspond directly with the user's physical movements; do not manipulate the gain of the virtual camera’s movements. A single global scale on the entire head model is fine (e.g. to convert feet to meters, or to shrink or grow the player), but do not scale head motion independent of interpupillary distance (IPD).
  渲染后的图像必须立即直接响应用户的物理运动;不要人为操纵虚拟摄像机的运动增益。对整个头部模型采用单一的全局缩放值很是可以的 (例如将英尺转换为米,或将玩家缩小或放大),但不要缩放瞳距参数。
  • With positional tracking, users can now move their viewpoint to look places you might have not expected them to, such as under objects, over ledges, and around corners. Consider your approach to culling and backface rendering, etc..
  • Under certain circumstances, users might be able to use positional tracking to clip through the virtual environment (e.g., put their head through a wall or inside objects). Our observation is that users tend to avoid putting their heads through objects once they realize it is possible, unless they realize an opportunity to exploit game design by doing so. Regardless, developers should plan for how to handle the cameras clipping through geometry. One approach to the problem is to trigger a message telling them they have left the camera’s tracking volume (though they technically may still be in the camera frustum).
  在某些情况下,用户可能会使用位置跟踪穿虚拟环境 (例如,把他们的头穿过墙壁或伸到物体里面)。我们的观察是,一旦用户认识到这么做是可能的,他们通常倾向于避免将头穿过对象,除非他们意识到这样做利用游戏设计的机会。不管怎么说,开发者应该计划一下如何处理通过几何裁剪的虚拟相机。这一问题的一种解决方法是触发一个消息,告诉他们他们已经离开相机跟踪范围 (虽然他们在技术上可能仍然会在相机视图截锥)。
  • Provide the user with warnings as they approach (but well before they reach) the edges of the position camera’s tracking volume as well as feedback for how they can re-position themselves to avoid losing tracking.
  • We recommend you do not leave the virtual environment displayed on the Rift screen if the user leaves the camera’s tracking volume, where positional tracking is disabled. It is far less discomforting to have the scene fade to black or otherwise attenuate the image (such as dropping brightness and/or contrast) before tracking is lost. Be sure to provide the user with feedback that indicates what has happened and how to fix it.
  • Augmenting or disabling position tracking is discomforting. Avoid doing so whenever possible, and darken the screen or at least retain orientation tracking using the SDK head model when position tracking is lost.
  增强或禁用位置跟踪会引起用户不适,所以只要有可能就要避免这样做,当丢失位置跟踪时,可以让屏幕暗下来,或至少使用 SDK 的头部模型保持方向跟踪。
  • Acceleration creates a mismatch among your visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive senses; minimize the duration and frequency of such conflicts. Make accelerations as short (preferably instantaneous) and infrequent as you can.
  加速会导致感官视觉、 前庭,和本体感觉之前的匹配失调; 要将这些不匹配造成的感觉上的冲突的持续时间和频率最小化。尽你所能使加速度持续时间越短越好 (加速最好是瞬时的) 。
  • Remember that “acceleration” does not just mean speeding up while going forward; it refers to any change in the motion of the user. Slowing down or stopping, turning while moving or standing still, and stepping or getting pushed sideways are all forms of acceleration.
  • Have accelerations initiated and controlled by the user whenever possible. Shaking, jerking, or bobbing the camera will be uncomfortable for the player.
  Movement Speed
  • Viewing the environment from a stationary position is most comfortable in VR; however, when movement through the environment is required, users are most comfortable moving through virtual environments at a constant velocity. Real-world speeds will be comfortable for longer—for reference, humans walk at an average rate of 1.4 m/s.
  • 在VR中,从一个固定的位置观察环境 才是最舒服的;然而,当需要运动穿过虚拟环境时,用户以恒定的速度在虚拟环境中移动是最舒适的。现实世界速度会在较长的时间内让用户保持舒适— — 供参考,人类步行的平均速度是1.4 m/s 。
  • Teleporting between two points instead of walking between them is worth experimenting with in some cases, but can also be disorienting. If using teleportation, provide adequate visual cues so users can maintain their bearings, and preserve their original orientation if possible.
  • 在两个点之间瞬间传送而不是步行在某些情况下是值得尝试的,但也可能会让用户丧失方向感。如果使用传送式移动,请提供足够的视觉线索,以便用户可以保持他们的方向感,并且如果可能的话,保留其原有的方向。
  • Movement in one direction while looking in another direction can be disorienting. Minimize the necessity for the user to look away from the direction of travel, particularly when moving faster than a walking pace.
  • Avoid vertical linear oscillations, which are most discomforting at 0.2 Hz, and off-vertical-axis rotation, which are most discomforting at 0.3 Hz.
  • 避免垂直的线性振荡,这种振荡在 0.2 Hz时是令人感到最为不适的,离垂直轴旋转,在 0.3 Hz时最令人不适。
  • Zooming in or out with the camera can induce or exacerbate simulator sickness, particularly if they cause head and camera movements to fall out of 1-to-1 correspondence with each other. We advise against using “zoom” effects until further research and development finds a comfortable and user-friendly implementation..
  • 用相机放大或缩小可诱发或加剧眩晕感,尤其是当这样的操作破坏了头部和相机之间的对应关系的时候。我们建议不要使用"缩放"的果,直到以后通过进一步的研究找到一个舒适和人性化的实现方法。
  • For third-person content, be aware that the guidelines for accelerations and movements still apply to the camera regardless of what the avatar is doing. Furthermore, users must always have the freedom to look all around the environment, which can add new requirements to the design of your content.
  • • 对于第三人称的内容,要注意,无论替身在做什么,加速度和运动的指导原则仍然适用于此时的相机。此外,用户必须总是拥有观看四周的环境的自由,虽然这会对您的内容的设计提出新的要求。
  • Avoid using Euler angles whenever possible; quaternions are preferable. Try looking straight up and straight down to test your camera; it should always be stable and consistent with your head orientation.
  • 尽可能避免使用欧拉角;相对来说四元数则更为可取。试着看直上,直下,来测试你的相机;它始终应是稳定且符合你的头部的转动方向。
  • Do not use “head bobbing” camera effects; they create a series of small but uncomfortable accelerations.
  • • 请不要使用"头上下摆动"的相机特效,他们会创建一系列的小但令人不适的的加速度。
  Managing and Testing Simulator Sickness
  • Test your content with a variety of un-biased users to ensure it is comfortable to a broader audience. As a developer, you are the worst test subject. Repeated exposure to and familiarity with the Rift and your content makes you less susceptible to simulator sickness or content distaste than a new user.
  • 让各种无偏见的用户来测试您的内容,以确保对于广泛的受众来说它是舒适的。作为开发人员,你是最差的测试主体。同Rift头盔的反复的接触,以及你对该设备和游戏内容的熟悉让你和新玩家用户比起来更加不易受眩晕的影响,或对于内容产生厌恶。
  • People’s responses and tolerance to sickness vary, and visually induced motion sickness occurs more readily in virtual reality headsets than with computer or TV screens. Your audience will not “muscle through” an overly intense experience, nor should they be expected to do so.
  • 人的反应和对眩晕的耐受性会发生变化,相比与计算机或电视屏幕,视觉诱发的晕动症更容易发生在虚拟现实头盔的使用过程中。你的听众会不"强行通过"过于强烈的体验,也不应该指望他们这样做。
  • Consider implementing mechanisms that allow users to adjust the intensity of the visual experience. This will be content-specific, but adjustments might include movement speed, the size of accelerations, or the breadth of the displayed FOV. Any such settings should default to the lowest-intensity experience.
  要考虑允许用户调节视觉体验强度的执行机制,这将是内容特定的,但可调整要素可以包括运动速度、 加速度的大小或显示 FOV 的广度。任何此类设置应默认为最低强度体验。
  • For all user-adjustable settings related to simulator sickness management, users may want to change them on-the-fly (for example, as they become accustomed to VR or become fatigued). Whenever possible, allow users to change these settings in-game without restarting.
  • 对于所有与眩晕管理有关的用户可调设置来说,用户可能想要在程序运行中对这些设置做出改变 (例如,当他们变得习惯于VR 或变得非常疲惫时)。只要有可能,允许用户在游戏中更改这些设置,而无需重新启动游戏。
  • An independent visual background that matches the player’s real-world inertial reference frame (such as a skybox that does not move in response to controller input but can be scanned with head movements) can reduce visual conflict with the vestibular system and increase comfort (see Tracking).
  • 与玩家的真实世界惯性参考系相匹配的独立的视觉背景(如天空盒不移动,以此作为对控制器输入的响应,但可以被头部运动所扫描) 可以减少与前庭系统的视觉冲突,增加舒适感 (请参见跟踪)。
  • High spatial frequency imagery (e.g., stripes, fine textures) can enhance the perception of motion in the virtual environment, leading to discomfort. Use—or offer the option of—flatter textures in the environment (such as solid-colored rather than patterned surfaces) to provide a more comfortable experience to sensitive users.
  • • 高空间频率图像 (例如,(黑白)条纹、 精细纹理) 可以提高在虚拟环境中的运动知觉,这样会导致用户不适。在环境中使用 — — 或提供选项让用户可以选择使用 — — 更加扁平的纹理 (如纯色的而不是图案化的表面) 为敏感的用户提供更加舒适的体验。
  Degree of Stereoscopic Depth (“3D-ness”)
  • For individualized realism and a correctly scaled world, use the middle-to-eye separation vectors supplied by the SDK from the user’s profile.
  • 对个性化的现实主义和正确缩放后的世界,使用来源于用户的配置文件、由SDK提供的中间眼分离向量(middle-to-eye separation vectors)。
  • Be aware that depth perception from stereopsis is sensitive up close, but quickly diminishes with distance. Two mountains miles apart in the distance will provide the same sense of depth as two pens inches apart on your desk.
  • 应知道立体视觉深度知觉在近距离上对距离很敏感,但随着距离的增加,这种敏感度会很快地下降。相隔数公里的距离两座山之间给人的深度距离感可能和办公桌上的彼此之间间隔数英寸的两只笔给人深度感差不多。
  • Although increasing the distance between the virtual cameras can enhance the sense of depth from stereopsis, beware of unintended side effects. First, this will force users to converge their eyes more than usual, which could lead to eye strain if you do not move objects farther away from the cameras accordingly. Second, it can give rise to perceptual anomalies and discomfort if you fail to scale head motion equally with eye separation.
  • • 虽然增加虚拟摄像机之间距离可以提高(来源于)立体视觉的深度感,但需要注意非预期的副作用。首先,如果不移动物体使之远离摄像机,就会强制用户比平时更多地聚集他们眼睛(的视线),这可能导致眼睛疲劳。第二,如果你没有成功的按照双目分离距离的变化来同步的缩放头部的运动,就可能会引起知觉异常和不适如果你失败了规模同样与眼球分离的头部运动。
  User Interface
  • UIs should be a 3D part of the virtual world and sit approximately 2-3 meters away from the viewer—even if it’s simply drawn onto a floating flat polygon, cylinder or sphere that floats in front of the user.
  • UI应该是作为虚拟世界的3D组成部分之一,并距离观察者2-3米远,即使这个UI仅仅是被绘制在一个悬浮着的平面几何体上,或者漂浮在玩家面前的圆柱、球体上。
  • Don’t require the user to swivel their eyes in their sockets to see the UI. Ideally, your UI should fit inside the middle 1/3rd of the user’s viewing area; otherwise, they should be able to examine it with head movements.
  • 不能够要求用户转动眼球才能够看到UI。理想情况下,你的 UI 应该放进用户视觉观察区中间的 1/3 的区域;否则,他们也应该能够通过头部的运动来查看到该UI(通过移动头部将UI放置在视觉区的中间,换句话说需要避免UI随头部转动,而用户不得不在眼窝中转动眼球才能够看到这个UI这种设计)。
  • Use caution for UI elements that move or scale with head movements (e.g., a long menu that scrolls or moves as you move your head to read it). Ensure they respond accurately to the user’s movements and are easily readable without creating distracting motion or discomfort.
  •  对于那些会随着用户头部的运动而缩放或者移动的UI元素,要使用注意事项 (例如,一个长菜单,会随你移动头部进行阅读时滚动起来) 。确保他们准确地响应用户的动作,很容易读取,而无需创建分散注意力或令人不适的运动。
  • Strive to integrate your interface elements as intuitive and immersive parts of the 3D world. For example, ammo count might be visible on the user’s weapon rather than in a floating HUD.
  • 努力整合你的界面元素使之作为直观和身临其境的 3D 世界的一部分。例如,弹药计数直接显示在武器上面,这要比显示在浮动的平视显示器(HUD)上要更自然。
  • Draw any crosshair, reticle, or cursor at the same depth as the object it is targeting; otherwise, it can appear as a doubled image when it is not at the plane of depth on which the eyes are converged.
  • 将任何十字线、 瞄准线或光标绘制在它所瞄准的目标的同一深度上;否则,当它没有处于用户双眼聚焦平面上的话,它可能显示为重影的图像。
  Controlling the Avatar
  • User input devices can't be seen while wearing the Rift. Allow the use of familiar controllers as the default input method. If a keyboard is absolutely required, keep in mind that users will have to rely on tactile feedback (or trying keys) to find controls.
  • 用户在使用Rift头盔时,是看不见输入设备的。允许将熟悉控制器用作默认输入方式。如果键盘是非用不可的话,请记住,用户将不得不依赖触觉反馈 (或尝试按键) 来查找控件。
  • Consider using head movement itself as a direct control or as a way of introducing context sensitivity into your control scheme.
  • • 请考虑使用头部运动本身作为直接控制或作为上下文敏感性引入您的控制方案的一种方式。
  • When designing audio, keep in mind that the output source follows the user’s head movements when they wear headphones, but not when they use speakers. Allow users to choose their output device in game settings, and make sure in-game sounds appear to emanate from the correct locations by accounting for head position relative to the output device.
  • 在设计音频时,请牢记当用户佩戴着耳机的时候,音频输出源会跟随用户的头部的运动,但当他们使用音箱时则不是这样。允许用户在游戏的设置中选择其输出设备,并通过说明头部位置与输出设备之间的关系,确保游戏中声音表现出来自于正确的位置。
  • Presenting NPC (non-player character) speech over a central audio channel or left and right channels equally is a common practice, but can break immersion in VR. Spatializing audio, even roughly, can enhance the user’s experience.
  • 将NPC (非玩家角色) 的语音放在中央声道或在左、 右通道使用同样的音量,是一种常见的做法,但会打破式虚拟现实的沉浸感。空间立体化的音频,即使比较粗糙,也可以增强用户的沉浸式体验(这里可以参考人头录音的概念)。
  • Keep positional tracking in mind with audio design; for example, sounds should get louder as the user leans towards their source, even if the avatar is otherwise stationary.
  • 进行音频设计时要时刻铭记对于位置追踪信息的应用;例如,当用户靠近音源时,音源应听起来更响,即使替身此时被固定。
  • For recommendations related to distance, one meter in the real world corresponds roughly to one unit of distance in Unity.
  • The optics of the DK2 Rift make it most comfortable to view objects that fall within a range of 0.75 to 3.5 meters from the user’s eyes. Although your full environment may occupy any range of depths, objects at which users will look for extended periods of time (such as menus and avatars) should fall in that range.
  DK2 头盔的光学设计使得用户观看距离眼睛0.75 至 3.5 米的范围内的对象最舒服。虽然你程序里的完整的环境可能会占用任何范围的深度,但是有可能被用户花上一段时间来观查的物体对象(比如菜单和替身) 应落在该范围内。
  • Converging the eyes on objects closer than the comfortable distance range above can cause the lenses of the eyes to misfocus, making clearly rendered objects appear blurry as well as lead to eyestrain.
  • Bright images, particularly in the periphery, can create noticeable display flicker for sensitive users; if possible, use darker colors to prevent discomfort.
  • A virtual avatar representing the user’s body in VR can have pros and cons. On the one hand, it can increase immersion and help ground the user in the VR experience, when contrasted to representing the player as a disembodied entity. On the other hand, discrepancies between what the user’s real-world and virtual bodies are doing can lead to unusual sensations (for example, looking down and seeing a walking avatar body while the user is sitting still in a chair). Consider these factors in designing your content.
  在 VR中代表用户的身体的虚拟化身可以说是有利有弊。一方面,它可以增加沉浸感,并在虚拟现实中的体验中给予用户脚踏实地的感觉,这与用虚无缥缈的实体来表现玩家形成了鲜明的对比。另一方面,用户的真实世界(中的身体)和虚拟身体的动作的差异可以导致不寻常的感觉 (例如,当用户坐在椅子上时,俯视时却看到行走中的虚拟替身)。考虑到这些因素,并设计您的内容。
  • Consider the size and texture of your artwork as you would with any system where visual resolution and texture aliasing is an issue (e.g. avoid very thin objects).
  考虑到你的美术原型的大小和贴图,因为你可能会面对任何系统,而在这些系统中,视觉分辨率和贴图走样都会成为问题 (例如避免非常薄的对象)。
  • Unexpected vertical accelerations, like those that accompany traveling over uneven or undulating terrain, can create discomfort. Consider flattening these surfaces or steadying the user’s viewpoint when traversing such terrain.
  • Be aware that your user has an unprecedented level of immersion, and frightening or shocking content can have a profound effect on users (particularly sensitive ones) in a way past media could not. Make sure players receive warning of such content in advance so they can decide whether or not they wish to experience it.
  请注意,您的用户具有前所未有的沉浸感,可怕的或令人震惊的内容会以过去媒体所不能的方式对用户 (特别是那些敏感形用户) 产生深远的影响。请确保玩家会提前收到此类内容的警告,以便他们可以决定是否想要体验它。
  • Don’t rely entirely on the stereoscopic 3D effect to provide depth to your content; lighting, texture, parallax (the way objects appear to move in relation to each other when the user moves), and other visual features are equally (if not more) important to conveying depth and space to the user. These depth cues should be consistent with the direction and magnitude of the stereoscopic effect.
  不要完全依赖于立体 3D 效果,向您的内容提供深度(虽然深度感很大程度上来源于双目立体视觉); 照明、 纹理、 视差 (用户在移动时,看到复数对象的彼此的运动表现间的关联方式) 和其他视觉特性同样是 (如果不是更多的)向用户传递深度信息和空间信息的重要传达方式。这些深度线索应该符合立体效果的方向和大小(可能是指近大远小的立体效果)。
  • Design environments and interactions to minimize the need for strafing, back-stepping, or spinning, which can be uncomfortable in VR.
  在设计环境和互动方式时,以尽量减少需要扫视、 后退,或旋转身体,这些 VR中的动作可能会导致用户出现不适。
  • People will typically move their heads/bodies if they have to shift their gaze and hold it on a point farther than 15-20° of visual angle away from where they are currently looking. Avoid forcing the user to make such large shifts to prevent muscle fatigue and discomfort.
  如果他们不得不改变他们的目光和坚持点比 15-20 ° 的视角从他们正在,人们通常将体内元首。避免强制用户做出这样大的位移,防止肌肉疲劳和不适。
  • Don’t forget that the user is likely to look in any direction at any time; make sure they will not see anything that breaks their sense of immersion (such as technical cheats in rendering the environment).
  别忘了,用户很可能在任何时间; 看向任何方向,确保他们不会看到任何打破沉浸感的东西 (如在渲染环境时所使用的技术技巧) 。
  Avatar Appearance
  •When creating an experience, you might choose to have the player experience it as a ghost (no physical presence) or in a body that is very different from his or her own. For example, you might have a player interact with your experience as a historical figure, a fictional character, a cartoon, a dragon, a giant, an orc, an amoeba, or any other of a multitude of possibilities. Any such avatars should not create issues for users as long as you adhere to best practices guidelines for comfort and provide users with intuitive controls.
  当创建一个体验时,你可能会选择让玩家体验一下作为一个鬼魂 (没有物理的存在) 的感觉,或在与他或她自己的身体非常不同的身体中。例如,你可能会让一名玩家,作为一个历史人物、 一个虚构人物、 卡通任务、 龙、 巨人、兽人、 阿米巴原虫,或任何其他种类繁多的可能性的体验来和游戏进行交互。只要你坚持保持玩家舒适度的最佳操作准则,并为用户提供直观的控制,任何此类替身的使用应该就不会产生太大的问题。
  When the avatar is meant to represent the players themselves inside the virtual environment, it can detract from immersion if the player looks down and sees a body or hands that are very different than his or her own. For example, a woman’s sense of immersion might be broken if she looks down and sees a man’s hands or body. If you are able to allow players to customize their hands and bodies, this can dramatically improve immersion. If this adds too much cost or complexity to your project, you can still take measures to minimize contradictions between VR and reality. For example, avoid overtly masculine or feminine bodily features in visible parts of the avatar. Gloves and unisex clothing that fit in the theme of your content can also serve to maintain ambiguity in aspects of the avatar’s identity, such as gender, body type, and skin color.
  Health and Safety
  • Carefully read and implement the warnings that accompany the Rift (see Health and Safety Warnings) to ensure the health and safety of both you, the developer, and your users.
  仔细阅读和实现伴随Rift的警告 (见健康和安全警告),同时确保开发人员和您的用户这两者的安全与健康。
  • Refrain from using any high-contrast flashing or alternating colors that change with a frequency in the 1-30 hz range. This can trigger seizures in individuals with photosensitive epilepsy.
  不要使用任何高对比度闪烁或频率在 1-30赫兹范围内交替变化的颜色。这(些在时间轴上进行周期变化的光)可以引起光敏性癫痫患者发作。
  • Avoid high-contrast, high-spatial-frequency gratings (e.g., fine, black-and-white stripes), as they can also trigger epileptic seizures.
  避免高对比度、 高空间频率光栅 (例如,精细、 黑白条纹),因为他们也可以触发癫痫发作。
